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This report evaluates the outcomes of World Bank Group support to Afghanistan from 2002-11. Despite extremely difficult security conditions, which deteriorated markedly after 2006, the World Bank Group has commendably established and sustained a large program of support to the country. The key...
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Fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS) have become an important focus of World Bank Group assistance in recent years as recognition of the linkages between fragility, conflict, violence, and poverty has grown. Addressing issues of recurring conflict and political violence and helping build...
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Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Acknowledgments -- Overview -- Management Response -- Management Action Record -- Chairperson's Summary -- 1 Introduction -- Relative Intensity of Knowledge Services in World Bank Country Programs -- Objectives, Scope, and...
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In economic growth the largest differences between developed and developing economies are in innovation performances. Innovation is critical for growth, but it is increasingly important for addressing major development changes, such as those related to inclusion and sustainability. Recognizing...
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Sound public financial management and public debt management are critical to informing and implementing fiscal policy and to achieving the World Bank Group's twin goals. When support for these two areas is complementary, public finance and debt management (PFDM) ensures that scarce public...
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Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2003 examines the effectiveness of Bank support for developing country policy reform. The report finds that reform has been widespread across countries during the last few years and across a wide spectrum of policy areas. Countries that improved their...
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Population aging-resulting from falling fertility rates, declining mortality, and increased longevity-shapes the profile and the needs of a growing number of countries. How effective has the World Bank been in tailoring its support to provide an adequate response to this evolving challenge? This...
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To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, development institutions will need to leverage an unprecedented amount of private sector capital. This is more pressing in the current context as COVID-19 recoveries will require mobilizing both public and private sources in the short...
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The World Bank Group's success rests on its ability to help its client countries achieve the development outcomes they desire. This demands a strong outcome orientation at the country-level, defined as the Bank Group's ability to generate feedback on what works, what does not, and why, use this...
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This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group program in the Philippines between 2009 and 2018. The report provides input to the next Country Partnership Framework for the Philippines and may offer lessons for Bank Group country programs in...
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