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, this paper examines the occurrence of IP litigation cases in Belgian firms using the 2013 Community Innovation Survey with … supplemental information on IP litigation and patent portfolios. The rich survey information regarding firms’ general innovation … imitation and incremental innovation. Our results indicate that when controlling for firms’ IP portfolio, the composition of …
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market (innovation). It turns out that spillovers from rivals lead to more imitation, while inputs from customers and … research institutions enhance original innovation. …
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This paper discusses the incentives for innovation when liability is limited or not. Clearly innovative activity …
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This paper discusses theoretically the different incentives of managers versus firm owners to invest in innovative activities. There are opposing effects concerning R&D intensity in the manager-controlled firm. Our study on the determinants of R&D intensity presents empirical results concerning...
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impact of public technology policies on innovation of firms located in Eastern Germany. The main question is whether public … funding stimulates innovation activities or whether crowding-out effects between public and private means occur. A non … companies would have invested remarkably less if they had not participated in public innovation policy schemes. …
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This study analyzes the effects of public R&D policy schemes on the innovation activities of firms located in Eastern … innovation activities by about four percentage points. …
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innovative activities of German service firms. We investigate whether firms that receive public subsidies for innovation projects … innovative activities. The more grants a firm has received in the past, the more it invests in current innovation projects …
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This paper considers the effect of different firm leadership on the innovative performance of firms from seven EU countries. We investigate whether owner-led or manager-led firms achieve a larger share of their turnover with product innovations. Economic theory does not propose clear answers to...
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There is a growing literature that aims at assessing the private value of knowledge assets and patents. It has been shown that patents and their quality as measured by citations received by future patents contribute significantly to the market value of firms beyond their R&D stocks. This paper...
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as reduced remuneration and job loss. However, managers might over-invest into innovation for reasons of growth implying … their own interests. When entrenched, managers do not fear detrimental effects of risky innovation projects on their career …, and hence tend to over-invest into innovation. -- Corporate governance ; managerial ownership ; entrenchment ; innovation …
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