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Intuition based on the usual interpretation of the covariance of two random variables suggests that the inequality cov[f(X),g(X)]≥0 should hold for any random variable X and any two increasing functions f and g. The inequality holds indeed, but a proof is hard to find in the literature. In...
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for the insurance industry. Against this background, the combination of reinsurance and capital market solutions … and idiosyncratic risks. We focus on the impact of regulation on risk transfer, by differentiating reinsurance and …
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asymptotic tail behaviour of the reinsured amounts under the ECOMOR and LCR reinsurance treaties, respectively. Our novel results …
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products, usually referred as Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) products include: (re)insurance contracts that bundle several …
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by a Brownian motion with drift (the diffusion approximation model). The company can purchase reinsurance to lower its … risk and receive cash injections at discrete times to avoid ruin. Proportional reinsurance and excess-of-loss reinsurance … are considered. The objective is to find an optimal reinsurance and cash injection strategy that minimizes the total cost …
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This paper proposes a unified framework for measuring and managing longevity risk. Specifically, we develop a flexible framework for valuing survivor derivatives like forwards, and swaps, as well as options both of European and American style. Our framework is essentially independent of the...
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. This capital cost can be reduced by hedging longevity risk with longevity swaps, a form of reinsurance. We assess the costs …, rather than transferring this to the reinsurance or the capital markets. This aspect of the Solvency II capital requirements …
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In this paper, we study the optimal proportional reinsurance and investment strategy for an insurer that only has … that the surplus of the insurer is governed by a jump diffusion process, and that reinsurance is used by the insurer to …
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We model reinsurance as a stochastic cooperation game in a continuous-time framework. Employing stochastic control …
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We investigate an insurance risk model that consists of two reserves which receive income at fixed rates. Claims are being requested at random epochs from each reserve and the interclaim times are generally distributed. The two reserves are coupled in the sense that at a claim arrival epoch,...
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