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Is the pricing of sovereign risk linear during bearish episodes? Or can initial shocks on economic fundamentals be exacerbated by endogenous factors that create nonlinearities? We test for nonlinearities in the sovereign bond market of European peripheral countries during the debt crisis and...
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We quantify the importance of non-monetary news in central bank communication. Using evidence from four major central …
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data on bank stock prices to show how deposit insurance could and did help stockholders of large banks. The broadening … liability provisions in controlling incentive conflict among large bank stakeholders. Federal deposit insurance restored …
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risk composition of the central bank balance sheet with the goal of stabilizing economic activity. We construct a general … agents are unable to participate in financial markets. We show that a change in the risk composition of the central bank …'s balance sheet will change equilibrium asset prices and we prove that, in our model, a policy in which the central bank …
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This paper evaluates the impact of tapering “news” announcements by Fed senior policy makers on financial markets in emerging economies. We apply a panel framework using daily data, and find that emerging market asset prices respond most to statements by Fed Chairman Bernanke, and much less...
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We introduce a reduced-form modeling framework for mortgage-backed securities in which we solve for the implied prepayment function from the cross section of market prices. From the implied prepayment function, we find that prepayment rates are driven not only by interest rates, but also by two...
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Since the mid-1990s, low stock returns predict accommodating policy by the Federal Reserve. This fact emerges because, over this period, negative stock returns comove with downgrades to the Fed’s growth expectations. Textual analysis of the FOMC documents reveals that policymakers pay...
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