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It is argued that the growth in the breadth of option strikes traded after the financial crisis of 2008 poses difficulties for the use of Fourier inversion methodologies in volatility surface calibration. Continuous time Markov chain approximations are proposed as an alternative. They are shown...
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start from two simple, economically motivated axioms, namely absence of arbitrage (in the sense of NUPBR) and absence of … relative arbitrage among all buy-and-hold strategies (called static efficiency). A valuation process for a payoff is then … valuing by absence of arbitrage alone. We show that this always yields put-call parity, although put and call values …
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arbitrage opportunities is illustrated. The approach seeks to hedge the volatility risk, or vega, as opposed to the exposure … from the underlying equity itself, or delta. The results question the efficacy of the common arbitrage strategy of only …
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We provide a new method to derive the state price density per unit probability based on option prices and GARCH model. We derive the risk neutral distribution using the result in Breeden and Litzenberger (1978) and the historical density adapting the GARCH model of Barone-Adesi, Engle, and...
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Options paying the product of put and/or call option payouts at different strikes on two underlying assets are observed to synthesize joint densities and replicate differentiable functions of two underlying asset prices. The pricing of such options is undertaken from three perspectives. The...
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In a tractable stochastic volatility model, we identify the price of the smile as the price of the unspanned risks traded in SPX option markets. The price of the smile reflects two persistent volatility and skewness risks, which imply a downward sloping term structure of low-frequency variance...
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In general multi-asset models of financial markets, the classic no-arbitrage concepts NFLVR and NUPBR have the serious … introduce a new way of defining “absence of arbitrage”. It rests on the new notion of a strategy being strongly share maximal … absence-of-arbitrage concepts do not change when we look at discounted or undiscounted prices, and they can be used in open …
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This paper develops a fully-fledged statistical arbitrage strategy based on a mean-reverting jump-diffusion model and …
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