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Post-Keynesians in general, and Geoff Harcourt in particular, have always laid much emphasis on incomes policies, which allow policy-makers to implement expansionary demand-side policies and ensure price stability. Mainstream economics, instead, gives little, if any, relevance to incomes...
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The micro-foundations of the Chinese growth model are analysed within a comprehensive monetary theory of economic development, based on Schumpeter, Keynes, and the contemporary monetary Keynesians. The Confucian traditions and the Leninist party power structure are identified as the main...
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This paper presents a stock-flow consistent growth model which is set in the Post-Keynesian tradition. A key feature of the model, however, is that real government expenditures grow at a rate which is compatible over the long period with a constant rate of unemployment (at the "natural rate of...
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Most Kaleckian models assume a perfectly elastic labor supply, an assumption that is questionable for many developed economies. This paper presents simple labor-constrained Kaleckian models and uses these models to compare the implications of financialization under labor-constrained and...
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While mainstream policies may be beyond improvement in the enchanted ›optimizable‹ world, Post Keynesians have to manage without a magic wand in our uncertain world. We discuss the alternative policies proposed in the recent Post Keynesian literature and argue that control of interest rates...
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Post-Keynesian Economics (PKE) is at the crossroads. Post-Keynesians (PKs) have become effectively marginalized; the academic climate at universities has become more hostile to survival and the mainstream has become more diverse internally. Moreover, a heterodox camp of diverse groups of...
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This paper presents the main features of the macroeconomic model being used at The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, which has proven to be a useful tool in tracking the current financial and economic crisis. We investigate the connections of the model to the 'New Cambridge' approach,...
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In neoclassical thinking, insufficient development is considered the result of a lack of resources, and an inefficient allocation. Deregulated markets have to guarantee a better allocation of resources as well as a net resource inflow to augment the domestic physical capital stock. From a...
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As a core element in mainstream neoclassical theory we assume that economic agents behave rationally. They have full information about everything of economic relevance at present, as well as concerning the future. They either maximize their profit or their utility. Is the model of the rational...
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Consumption theory has always been a neglected field in post-Keynesian economics, whereas it is at the center of New Keynesian economics. This paper investigates similarities and differences between the two approaches. I will show that the newer mainstream models indeed give results that are...
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