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This paper deals with the analysis of allocation problems with single peaked preferences, under the condition of agenda-independence (that is, when the allocation rule yields the same final outcome, no matter how the problem is subdivided into partial problems). Since the Uniform rule does not...
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The problem of distributing a given amount of a divisible good among a set of agents which may have individual entitlements is considered here. A solution to this problem, called the Rights-Egalitarian Solution, is proposed and characterized. This allocation rule divides equally among the agents...
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In this paper we examine the effect of innovation on job creation and job destruction in Spanish manufacturing. Our empirical analysis is based on firm-level longitudinal data from which we have information on employment and innovation activity. The estimation approach consists of a two-step...
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We examine demand behaviour for intertemporal dependencies, using Spanishpanel data. We present evidence that there is both state dependence and correlatedheterogeneity in demand behaviour. Our specific findings are that food outside thehome, alcohol and tobacco are habit forming whereas...
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This paper explores the relative progressivity of the main bankruptcy rules in taxation problems. A rule F is more progressive than a rule G when the after-tax income vector generated by F Lorenz dominates that generated by G. We focus our analysis on four classical rules (proportional,...
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In this paper we analyze the effect of female labor force participation on income inequality. We present evidence from Spain by using data from the Family Expenditure Survey for 1980 and 1990. The case of Spain is particulary interesting because inequality decreased over the eighties, while the...
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A diagonal image may be defined as a point in the image of agiven mapping, whose components are all equal. This paper investigates sufficient conditions for a set-valued mapping to have quasi-diagonal images(in an extended sense). More specifically, we shall show that anupper-hemicontinuous...
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This paper provides a criterion to evaluate the overall performance of a given number of groups whose members can be of different types, out of the analysis of their relative frequencies. Assuming that types can be ordered from best to worse, the starting point is that of dominance relations in...
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This paper provides a cardinal welfare measure for the allocation of a bundle of goods among a group of people. Social welfare is measured as the sum of n partial indices, one for each good, each of which consists of a function of the amount of the good availabe and its dispersion, measured by...
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Standard models of intertemporal allocation predict that the time path of expenditures should beindependent of the time path of income. Recently two papers, Parker (1999) and Souleles (1999)have suggested that U.S. households have a high marginal propensity to spend within yearanticipated income...
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