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or market structure. We address the question how competition among suppliers of finance interacts with trust and … trustworthiness in a laboratory one-shot trust game. In order to disentangle pure effects of competition and effects of competition … show that competition has no significant effects on trust and trustworthiness of individuals in a strangers’ framework …
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efficiency under mild competition. The effect of competition on the equilibrium strategy is different depending on which class of … show that the effect of competition on efficiency is different between the common value and the private value setting …. Strong competition leads to the least efficient equilibrium for the common value setting but efficiency can be improved by …
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violated. It is shown that more competition makes the equilibrium signaling more informative when the level of competition is … moderate. Moreover, the equilibrium signaling can perfectly reveal the ability under a certain level of competition. On the … other hand, too much competition always makes the equilibrium signaling less informative. …
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We examine turbulence over the product life cycle using the lowest possible level of industry aggregation, allowing for the use of panel data to study the evolution of single product markets. We find that replacement of exiting firms by subsequent entry plays a primary role in generating...
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This paper deals with innovative activities of firms, the resulting market success as well as the interdependencies between both. In a first theoretical part, different cases of those interdependencies are investigated by the way of a simple model based on replicator dynamics. It is shown that...
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When two or more agents compete for a bonus and the agents' productivity in each of several possible occurrences depends stochastically on (constant) effort, the number of times that are checked to assign the bonus affects the level of un-certainty in the selection process. Uncertainty, in turn,...
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Private banks often blame state guarantees to distort competition by giving public banks the advantage of lower funding … perfect competition between private banks does not lead to zero profits. …
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allowing for competition of both, buyers and sellers. Naivety of both is related to the idea that higher prices exclude worse … qualities. While competition of naive buyers increases prices, competition of naive sellers promotes effciency enhancing trade …
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The key element of models of contest is the Contest Success Function (CSF) which specifies the winning probabilities of agents. We provide an axiomatization of two parametric families of CSF's. In the first, the winning probability of each agent depends on the investments and a vector of...
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We study interaction effects between intra-firm conflicts and interfirm competition on a duopolistic market with seller … firms employing one or more agents and implementing tournament incentives. We show that inter-firm competition leads to …
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