Showing 1 - 10 of 25
"The Barometer of the Romanian Economy" intends to be a mirror of the evolution of the Romanian economy and, at the same time, to be its global indicator of the state and trend. "The Barometer of the Romanian Economy" was first published some years ago in Microeconomia aplicata, on the...
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The purpose of this paper is to study and quantify the impact of the human capital in the process of economic growth in Romania over the 1990-2002 period. We will consider an augmented Cobb-Douglas production function to include the human capital, approximated by the number of schooling years...
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The Barometer of the Romanian Economy" intends to be a mirror of the evolution of the Romanian economy and, at the same time, to be its global indicator of state and trend. "The Barometer of the Romanian Economy" was first published some years ago in Microeconomia aplicatã, on the initiative...
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I use the Markov Switching AR approach to model the business cycles in Romanian economy for the 1991-2008 period using monthly data on industrial production. The time series used allows for a comparison with previous dating of Romanian business cycles. Generally, the MS-AR performs well,...
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In this study, I estimate a monetary DSGE model using Bayesian techniques and I use the estimated model to forecast the Romanian GDP in the long run. For the 2008-2010 period, the forecasts with the model confirm the present consensus among the economists about a growth potential of 5 to 6% for...
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The real effective exchange rate (REER) is one of the indicators that can provide good information about the competitiveness of a country. However, the computation of REER is not an easy task because of the lack of data in order to compute each country weight. In our paper we compute the weights...
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In this study I apply a simple DSGE model to forecast the quarterly Romanian GDP. The forecast is based on the posterior distribution of the model parameters resulted from the Bayesian estimation. The forecast for the 2006-2007 period shows that the realized GDP is within the confidence interval...
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"The Barometer of the Romanian Economy" intends to be a mirror of the evolution of the Romanian economy and, at the same time, to be its global indicator of the state and trend. "The Barometer of the Romanian Economy" was first published some years ago in Microeconomia aplicata, on the...
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The purpose of this study is to estimate the Okun coefficient for Romania for the 1991-2004 period. In order to derive it, I use a few alternative methods. As a dependent variable I use the gap of the unemployment rate while the independent variable is the gap of the production, where the...
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This article asks whether the monetary regime of inflation targeting that Romania chose is favorable to the inflation convergence with the EU. We analyze a few of the standard models of inflation convergence and apply some of them for the case of Romania. We also use the experience of the other...
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