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This paper develops a systematic procedure of statistical inference for the ARMA model with unspecified and heavy-tailed heteroscedastic noises. We first investigate the least absolute deviation estimator (LADE) and the self-weighted LADE for the model. Both estimators are shown to be strongly...
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This paper investigates a quasi-likelihood ratio (LR) test for the thresholds in buffered autoregressive processes. Under the null hypothesis of no threshold, the LR test statistic converges to a function of a centered Gaussian process. Under local alternatives, this LR test has nontrivial...
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This paper proposes a Cramer-von Mises (CM) test statistic to check the adequacy of weak ARMA models. Without posing a martingale difference assumption on the error terms, the asymptotic null distribution of the CM test is obtained by using the Hillbert space approach. Moreover, this CM test is...
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This paper proposes a sign-based portmanteau test for diagnostic checking of ARCH-type models estimated by the least absolute deviation approach. Under the strict stationarity condition, the asymptotic distribution is obtained. The new test is applicable for very heavy-tailed innovations with...
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Testing causality-in-mean and causality-in-variance has been largely studied. However, none of the tests can detect causality-in-mean and causality-in-variance simultaneously. In this article, we introduce a factor double autoregressive (FDAR) model. Based on this model, a score test is proposed...
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This article proposes Cramer-von Mises (CM) and Kolmogrove-Smirnov (KS) test statistics based on the signs of a time series to test the null hypothesis that the series is a martingale difference sequence (MDS) with conditional heteroscedasity. Both of test statistics allowing for...
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This paper uses a random weighting (RW) method to bootstrap the critical values for the Ljung-Box/Monti portmanteau tests and weighted Ljung-Box/Monti portmanteau tests in weak ARMA models. Unlike the existing methods, no user-chosen parameter is needed to implement the RW method. As an...
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The surge of government debt during the post-global financial crisis and the ongoing euro zone sovereign debt crisis has begun raising concerns whether government debt levels have hit the tipping points. This study offers to contribute in the following ways: First, we find out whether the...
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The dynamics of government debt and economic growth, once a subject of interest mostly to very few macroeconomists is suddenly of immense attention for many researchers in the backdrop of Euro zone sovereign debt crisis and Reinhart & Rogoff’s related research. This study investigates the...
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, political governance groupings and income groupings of countries in addition to the full sample. Panel Granger causality testing …
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