Showing 1 - 10 of 23
between energy sources for a panel of four WAEMU countries; Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo, for the period 1970 … the panel as a whole, but no causality between electricity and economic growth, and no substitution between energy sources …
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This paper investigated the impact of Foreign Direct Investment on some selected macro-economic variables such as real GDP, gross fixed capital formation and unemployment. Data for the variables were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Statistical Bulletin. For the assessment of this...
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This study sheds new light on the question of whether or not sentiment surveys, and the expectations derived from them, are relevant to forecasting economic growth and stock returns, and whether they contain information that is orthogonal to macroeconomic and financial data. I examine 16...
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Recent developments in time series analysis have encouraged the economists to re-examine their findings about the Wagner’s Law. That is why, the aggregation in public expenditures may lead some contradictions, disaggregated analyses should perform to have more consistent results. In this...
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We consider conditional moment models under semi-strong identification. Identification strength is directly defined through the conditional moments that flatten as the sample size increases. Our new minimum distance estimator is consistent, asymptotically normal, robust to semi-strong...
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This paper proposes a testing strategy for the null hypothesis that a multivariate linear rational expectations (LRE) model may have a unique stable solution (determinacy) against the alternative of multiple stable solutions (indeterminacy). The testing problem is addressed by a...
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This paper analyzes the properties of a class of estimators, tests, and confidence sets (CSs) when the parameters are not identified in parts of the parameter space. Specifically, we consider estimator criterion functions that are sample averages and are smooth functions of a parameter θ. This...
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public debt in a panel of low income Sub-Saharan African economies. This supports the hypothesis that debt has some positive …
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In this work we proposed to analyze the problem of individual heterogeneity in panel data and implement resolution to …
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empirical study is based on a panel model for an heterogeneous sample of 11 countries (7 OECD countries and 4 Mediterranean …
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