Showing 1 - 10 of 221
Central limit theorems are developed for instrumental variables estimates of linear and semiparametric partly linear regression models for spatial data. General forms of spatial dependence and heterogeneity in explanatory variables and unobservable disturbances are permitted. We discuss...
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To test the existence of spatial dependence in an econometric model, a convenient test is the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test. However, evidence shows that, in finite samples, the LM test referring to asymptotic critical values may suffer from the problems of size distortion and low power, which...
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We propose semiparametric GMM estimation of semiparametric spatial autoregressive (SAR) models under weak moment conditions. In comparison with the quasi-maximum-likelihood-based semiparametric estimator of Su and Jin (2010), we allow for both heteroscedasticity and spatial dependence in the...
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We consider the problem of detecting unobserved heterogeneity, that is, the problem of testing the absence of random individual effects in an n×T panel. We establish a local asymptotic normality property–with respect to intercept, regression coefficient, the scale parameter σ of the error,...
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This paper proposes empirical likelihood based inference methods for causal effects identified from regression discontinuity designs. We consider both the sharp and fuzzy regression discontinuity designs and treat the regression functions as nonparametric. The proposed inference procedures do...
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In many semiparametric models, the parameter of interest is identified through conditional expectations, where the conditioning variable involves a single-index that is estimated in the first step. Among the examples are sample selection models and propensity score matching estimators. When the...
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This paper studies the problem of treatment choice between a status quo treatment with a known outcome distribution and an innovation whose outcomes are observed only in a finite sample. I evaluate statistical decision rules, which are functions that map sample outcomes into the planner’s...
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We propose inverse probability weighted estimators for the distribution functions of the potential outcomes under the unconfoundedness assumption and apply the inverse mapping to obtain the quantile functions. We show that these estimators converge weakly to zero mean Gaussian processes. A...
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This paper provides a nonparametric test of the specification of a transformation model. Specifically, we test whether an observable outcome Y is monotonic in the sum of a function of observable covariates X plus an unobservable error U. Transformation models of this form are commonly assumed in...
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Separability is an important feature of structural equations, as it implies the absence of unobservable heterogeneity of effects and has significant implications for identification and efficiency of estimation. This paper provides a nonparametric test for separability in structural equations....
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