Showing 11 - 20 of 66
Results from cointegration tests clearly suggest that TFP and the relative price of investment (RPI) are not cointegrated. Evidence on the alternative possibility that they may nonetheless contain a common I(1) component generating long-horizon co-variation between them crucially depends on the...
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Based on a time-varying factor-augmented vector autoregression, we demonstrate that the propagation mechanism of monetary policy disturbances differs across disaggregate components of personal consumption expenditures. While many disaggregate prices rise temporarily in response to a monetary...
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This paper resolves the sectoral comovement problem between nondurable and durable outputs that arises in response to a monetary shock in a two-sector sticky price model with flexibly priced durable goods. We analytically demonstrate that the non-separability between aggregate consumption and...
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This paper finds that a model with sticky information is less successful than a standard model featuring nominal rigidities, inflation indexation, and habits in generating the dynamics triggered by technology shocks, as estimated by a vector autoregression using U.S. macroeconomic data. The real...
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This paper models expectation formation by taking into account that agents may produce heterogeneous expectations because of informational frictions and differing levels of a capacity to process information. We show that there are two general classes of steady states within this framework: those...
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This paper compares the properties of interest-rate rules such as simple Taylor rules and rules that respond to price-level fluctuations (called Wicksellian rules) in a basic forward-looking model. By introducing appropriate history dependence in policy, Wicksellian rules perform better than...
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This paper argues that the stock market crash of 2008, triggered by a collapse in house prices, caused the Great Recession. The paper has three parts. First, it provides evidence of a high correlation between the value of the stock market and the unemployment rate in U.S. data since 1929....
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We evaluate the empirical relevance of learning by private agents in an estimated medium-scale DSGE model. We replace the standard rational expectations assumption in the Smets and Wouters (2007) model by a constant-gain learning mechanism. If agents know the correct structure of the model and...
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In this paper we analyze whether the effect of fiscal policy differs across the business cycle. To tackle this question, we use a regime-switching error-correction framework, where nonlinearities are only modeled in the short-run and have no impact on the long-run equilibrium. Regime specific...
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This paper presents a DSGE model in which agents׳ learning about the economy can endogenously generate time-varying macroeconomic volatility. Economic agents use simple models to form expectations and need to learn the relevant parameters. Their gain coefficient is endogenous and is adjusted...
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