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We study the effects that the Maastricht Treaty, the creation of the ECB, and the Euro changeover had on the dynamics of European business cycles using a panel VAR and data from 10 European countries—seven from the Euro area and three outside of it. There are changes in the features of...
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Governments are confronted with the growing realization that they face fiscal limits on the size of debt and deficits relative to GDP. These fiscal limits invalidate Bohn's criterion for fiscal sustainability, which allows explosive debt relative to GDP, eventually violating any fiscal limit. We...
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Chartist and fundamentalist models have proven to be capable of replicating stylized facts on speculative markets. In general, this is achieved by specifying nonlinear interactions of otherwise linear asset price expectations of the respective trader groups. This paper investigates whether or...
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This paper characterizes long-run and short-run optimal fiscal policy in the labor selection framework. In a calibrated non-Ramsey decentralized equilibrium, labor market volatility is inefficient. Keeping fixed the structural parameters, the Ramsey government achieves efficient labor market...
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We extend the standard textbook search and matching model by introducing deep habits in consumption. This assumption generates amplification in the response of labour market variables to technology shocks by producing endogenous countercyclical mark-ups. The cyclical fluctuations of vacancies...
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We study optimal government spending in a business cycle model with labor income taxes and unemployment due to hiring costs. Labor market frictions raise the optimal steady state ratio of government spending to private consumption. The labor tax rate is higher since profits are taxed that arise...
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This paper extends the analysis of the seminal work of Brock and Hommes (1997, 1998) on heterogeneous beliefs and rational routes to randomness in discrete-time models to a continuous-time model of asset pricing. The resulting model characterised mathematically by a system of stochastic delay...
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We study equity price volatility in general equilibrium with news shocks about future productivity and monetary policy. As West (1988) shows, in a partial equilibrium present discounted value model, news about the future cash flow reduces asset price volatility. We show that introducing news...
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This paper argues that the stock market crash of 2008, triggered by a collapse in house prices, caused the Great Recession. The paper has three parts. First, it provides evidence of a high correlation between the value of the stock market and the unemployment rate in U.S. data since 1929....
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We study the impact of two-sided nominal shocks in a dynamic, equilibrium macroeconomic model. Goods complementarity differs across sectors as do the costs of changing prices. Even when strategic complementarities are equal across the sectors, the systematic differences in costs of price...
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