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This paper examines the long-run and short- run effects of depreciation/ devaluation for major European Union countries (Germany, France, the Unit - ed Kingdom, and Italy) over the 1975-1997 period. The approach is based on cointegration techniques proposed by Johansen [1988] and uses quarterly...
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This paper examines the relevance of the Balassa-Samuelson productivity-bias hypothesis for explaining long-run permanent shocks in the real exchange rates. The sample consists of yearly data on real exchange rates and productivity for six OECD countries. On the basis of Johansens maximum...
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This paper examines the monetary model of exchange rate determination for the US dollar exchange rates against the currencies of Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom. In this paper, we utilize the cointegration technique for testing long-run relationship, and vector error correction model for...
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The signalling channel suggests that central banks use sterilized interven - tions in the foreign exchange market to convey information about future mone - tary policy to the market. To date, this theory is not sufficiently supported by theoretical work that establishes the link between...
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A classic argument in favor of a fixed exchange rate regime (ERR) has been the promotion of international trade between the pegging country and its base country. Results from previous literature point to a significant and highly positive effect of adopting a fixed ERR on bilateral trade between...
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International pressure to revalue China’s currency stems in part from the expectation that rapid economic growth should be associated with a real exchange rate appreciation. This hinges on the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis under which economic growth is due to relative tradable productivity...
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The paper analyses the process of real convergence of the New Member States of the European Union. Its importance is underlined in connection with a successful catching-up and a special attention is paid to the countries involved in the fifth European enlargement, with the exception of Cyprus...
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This paper uses the concepts of σ-convergence and β-convergence to evaluate empirically the hypothesis of income convergence in the Asia-Pacific region, and its subsets of East Asia and ASEAN during the period 1960-1999. Because of the East Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s, the...
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Many believe that an important benefit from membership in international organizations is the lessening of political constraints to domestic reforms which would, ultimately, generate greater trade openness, FDI inflows and economic growth. These ideas have received limited empirical testing. This...
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This article examines the consequences and policy implications of the Asian crisis. It discusses the way in which the crisis unfolded through 1997 and provids a typology of the potential effects of the crisis. It also discusses the general impact the crisis has made on the global economy...
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