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For estimating a rare event via the multivariate extreme value theory, the so-called tail dependence function has to be investigated (see [L. de Haan, J. de Ronde, Sea and wind: Multivariate extremes at work, Extremes 1 (1998) 7-45]). A simple, but effective estimator for the tail dependence...
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Empirical likelihood for general estimating equations is a method for testing hypothesis or constructing confidence regions on parameters of interest. If the number of parameters of interest is smaller than that of estimating equations, a profile empirical likelihood has to be employed. In case...
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In this paper we propose a smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood method to construct confidence intervals for the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. By applying the standard empirical likelihood method for a mean to the jackknife sample, the empirical likelihood ratio statistic can...
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In this paper we derive rates of uniform strong convergence for the kernel estimator of the regression function in a left-truncation model. It is assumed that the lifetime observations with multivariate covariates form a stationary [alpha]-mixing sequence. The estimation of the covariate's...
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In this paper we study the asymptotic joint behavior of the maximum and the partial sum of a multivariate Gaussian sequence. The multivariate maximum is defined to be the coordinatewise maximum. Results extend univariate results of McCormick and Qi. We show that, under regularity conditions, if...
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This paper studies improvements of multivariate local linear regression. Two intuitively appealing variance reduction techniques are proposed. They both yield estimators that retain the same asymptotic conditional bias as the multivariate local linear estimator and have smaller asymptotic...
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In this paper we derive the asymptotic normality and a Berry-Esseen type bound for the kernel conditional density estimator proposed in Ould-Saïd and Cai (2005) [26] when the censored observations with multivariate covariates form a stationary [alpha]-mixing sequence.
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Parametric models for tail copulas are being used for modeling tail dependence and maximum likelihood estimation is employed to estimate unknown parameters. However, two important questions seem unanswered in the literature: (1) What is the asymptotic distribution of the MLE and (2) how does one...
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Regression models are commonly used to model the relationship between responses and covariates. For testing the error distribution, some classical test statistics such as Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and Cramér–von-Mises test suffer from the complicated limiting distribution due to the plug-in...
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Understanding and modeling dependence structures for multivariate extreme values are of interest in a number of application areas. One of the well-known approaches is to investigate the Pickands dependence function. In the bivariate setting, there exist several estimators for estimating the...
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