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protection laws. In contrast to the findings for employment, we find little evidence for a relationship between wages and …
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While the utopian vision of the current Information Age was that computerization would flatten economic hierarchies by democratizing information, the opposite has occurred. Information, it turns out, is merely an input into a more consequential economic function, decision-making, which is the...
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The object of this paper is to show how population growth, through its interaction with recent technological and organizational developments, can account for many of the cross-country differences in economic outcome observed among industrialized countries over the last 20 years. In particular,...
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' earnings impact property crime with an elasticity of -1, but that wages have no impact on violent crime. The paper also … instrumenting real wages of young workers. Using state-year-industry specific technology shocks as instruments yields elasticities …
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such models in analyzing the production structure, the determinants of variable and quasi-fixed factors, and productivity … growth. The paper also discusses the traditional approach to productivity analysis based on the Divisia index number … on the structure of production, the dynamics of investment in physical and R&D capital, the effects of spillovers, the …
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generate R&D capital spillovers. A spillover network of senders and receivers is estimated. The network shows that each … the receivers, spillovers generally expand product markets, lower product prices, increase production costs and input … demands. For the sources, significant R&D spillovers cause the social rates of return to R&D capital to be substantially above …
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notion of technological proximity of firms is developed in order to quantify potential R&D spillovers. The importance of the … position variables and the potential spilover pool in explaining R&D intensity, patent productivity and TFP growth is explored … effects are significant in explaining patent productivity. I cannot distinguish between the two effects in explaining TFP …
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.S. economy. The rationale is that IT may speed up the process of knowledge transfer and make these knowledge spillovers more … suggest a strengthening of R&D spillovers between the 1958-1987 and 1987-2007 periods. A decomposition of TFP growth also … indicates a higher contribution from R&D spillovers in the later period. These results suggest a strengthening of the R …
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We construct a model of international trade and multinational production (MP) to examine the impact of globalization on the skill premium in skill-abundant and skill-scarce countries. The key mechanisms in our framework arise from the interaction between three elements: cross-country differences...
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firm survey from the 1840s, we shed light on the mechanism: upper-tail knowledge raised productivity in innovative …
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