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, conditional quantiles are specified via hierarchical Archimedean copula. The parameters and structure of this copula are …
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As observed in the financial crisis, CDS spreads tend to increase simutaneously as a reaction to common shocks. Focusing on the spillover effects triggered by extreme events, we propose a credit risk analysis tool by applying credit default swap spread returns to the concept of 4CoVaR suggested...
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The increasing exposure to renewable energy has amplified the need for risk management in electricity markets. Electricity price risk poses a major challenge to market participants. We propose an approach to model and fore- cast electricity prices taking into account information on renewable...
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A flexible framework for the analysis of tail events is proposed. The framework contains tail moment measures that allow for Expected Shortfall (ES) estimation. Connecting the implied tail thickness of a family of distributions with the quantile and expectile estimation, a platform for risk...
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We consider the problem of estimating the conditional quantile of a time series fYtg at time t given covariates Xt, where Xt can ei- ther exogenous variables or lagged variables of Yt . The conditional quantile is estimated by inverting a kernel estimate of the conditional distribution function,...
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using hedge fund indices. …
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