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This paper addresses the question of optimal currency exposure for a risk-and-ambiguity-avers international investor. A …
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This paper considers investment problems in real options with non-homogeneous two-factor uncertainty. We derive some analytical properties of the resulting optimal stopping problem and present a finite difference algorithm to approximate the firm’s value function and optimal exercise boundary....
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risk and targets. Specifically, the choice function is equivalent to selection of a maximum index level such that the risk …
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We develop a dynamic model to study the interaction between obfuscation and investor sophistication in retail financial markets. Taking into account different learning mechanisms within the investor population, we characterize the optimal timing of obfuscation for a profit-maximizing monopolist....
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We introduce a class of quantile-based risk measures that generalize Value at Risk (VaR) and, likewise Expected … probability of occurrence. The corresponding risk measure, called Loss VaR (LVaR), determines the minimal capital injection that … and applications to capital adequacy, portfolio risk management and catastrophic risk are presented …
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assumptions alone in measuring risk. Cushioning against risk has always created a plethora of complexities and challenges; hence …, this paper attempts to analyse statistical properties of various risk measures in a not normal distribution and provide a … financial blueprint on how to manage risk. It is assumed that using old assumptions of normality alone in a distribution is not …
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entropy. To measure risk, we use value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk. The results indicate that, except for Tether …, the analyzed cryptocurrencies’ returns exhibited similar patterns of uncertainty and risk. Levels of uncertainty were … close to the maximum values, but high uncertainty is not always associated with high risk. During the pandemic crisis …
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