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[...]This paper examines the recent recession, with particularattention given to developments in the labor market and in UI program financing. Its three objectives are to describedevelopments in the macroeconomy and in the labor marketthat have relevance for UI funding issues, to present...
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[...]This paper reexamines the debate over the appropriate formof housing assistance. First, we briefly summarize and evaluate arguments in favor of demand-oriented housing subsidies(such as Section 8 vouchers) and supply-oriented housingsubsidies (such as production subsidies). We conclude...
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[...]In this paper, we first provide background information onprogram expenditures and a brief review of the literature. Next,we describe the housing provided under each program and ourmethodology for estimating costs. We then present our totalcost estimates along with estimates of the share of...
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[...]We begin with an overview of the topic of corporategovernance and proceed to a discussion of the particularcorporate governance problems of banks. We embrace the viewthat a corporation is best defined as a complex web or “nexus”of contractual relationships among the various claimants to...
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[...]The overall conclusion drawn from the research presented isthat monetary policy appears to have less of an impact on realactivity than it once had—but the cause of that change remainsan open issue. The conference papers explored threehypotheses en route to that finding. First, the...
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[...]This study is also a “leaver study”—describing the economicwell-being of families who left welfare and using the NationalSurvey of America’s Families (NSAF), conducted by the UrbanInstitute. It adds to the body of leaver studies by presenting anational picture, providing context for...
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[...]It seems clear that the Federal Reserve’s policy behavior overthe 1979:4-1982:3 period (which I refer to as the “earlyVolcker” period) differed from that of other periods.1 Thestated policy of the Federal Reserve during this period was tofocus more on monetary aggregates than it had...
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[...]This paper examines some of the potential consequences ofGLB for the structure of the U.S. financial services industry. Init, we ask how the industry may evolve as this new legislationinteracts with the consolidation trend already under way, whattypes of mergers are most likely to occur,...
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