Showing 1 - 10 of 72
Purpose: We deal with the problem of the joint determination of optimal economic production quantity (EPQ) and optimal preventive maintenance (PM) for a system that can produce multiple products alternately. The objective is to find the optimal number of production cycles and the PM policy...
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We built on the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem Scheduling (ELSP) literature by making some modifications in order to introduce new constraints which had not been thoroughly studied with a view to simulating specific real situations. Specifically, our aim is to propose and simulate different...
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Purpose: This paper reviews current literature and contributes a set of findings that capture the current state-of-the-art of the topic of lot streaming in a flow-shop. Design/methodology/approach: A literature review to capture, classify and summarize the main body of knowledge on lot streaming...
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Purpose: We aim to examine the capacitated multi-item lot sizing problem which is a typical example of a large bucket model, where many different items can be produced on the same machine in one time period. We propose a new approach to determine the production sequence and lot sizes that...
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Purpose: This research develops a batch scheduling model for a three-stage flow shop with job processors in the first and second stages and a batch processor in the third stage. The model integrates production process activities and a product inspection activity to minimize the expected total...
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Purpose: The research studies the production system having multiple items being processed on the same production line. The objectives are to (1) investigate the influence of production sequence on the optimal value of production run size, (2) explore the effect of production sequence on the...
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Purpose: This paper examines the behaviour of shared and dedicated Kanban allocation policies of Hybrid Kanban-CONWIP and Basestock-Kanban-CONWIP control strategies in multi-product systems; with considerations to robustness of optimal solutions to environmental and system variabilities....
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Purpose: Correlation-based storage assignment approach has been intensively explored during the last three decades to improve the order picking efficiency. The purpose of this study is to present a comprehensive assessment of the literature about the state-of-the-art techniques used to solve...
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Purpose: Slotting is one of the main operations in warehouse management. It is based on the efficient allocation of slots for stock-keeping units (SKUs). Order picking and slotting represent a high percentage of total logistics costs; therefore, improving these activities leads to significant...
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Purpose: This study aims to review the previous literature on the topic contained in the title in order to identify gaps in the existing research relating to lean supply chain-related issues within the pharmaceutical industry since limited attention has been devoted to this sector....
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