Showing 1 - 10 of 28
We analyze a Bayesian merger game under two-sided asymmetric information about firm types. We show that the standard prediction of the lemons market model-if any, only low-type firms are traded-is likely to be misleading: Merger returns, i.e. the difference between pre- and post-merger profits,...
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linear Cournot model, we show how the merger pattern depends on the cost effects of mergers, the extent of uncertainty, and …
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This paper analyzes decisions of multi-product firms regarding product selection, innovation and advertising as choices of consumer valuation distributions. We show that a profit-maximizing monopolist chooses these distributions so as to maximize the dispersion of the valuation differences...
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apply the framework to a Cournot model with cost synergies and a Bertrand model where acquisitions extend the product …
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To examine the impact of globalization on managerial compensation, we consider a matching model where a number of firms compete both in the product market and in the managerial market. We show that globalization, i.e. the simultaneous integration of product markets and managerial pools, leads to...
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Are initial competitive advantages self-reinforcing, so that markets exhibit an endogenous tendency to be dominated by only a few firms? Although this question is of great economic importance, no systematic empirical study has yet addressed it. Therefore, we examine experimentally whether firms...
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This paper provides a simple unified discrete-choice framework for analyzing differentiated duopolies. This framework nests models of horizontal and vertical differentiation, including standard textbook models (Hotelling and Shaked-Sutton). Contrary to these models, it also applies to economic...
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observed for a switch from Cournot to Bertrand, even though theory predicts a negative effect in the four-player case. This …
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oligopoly. We start from a linear Cournot model to motivate our more general reducedform framework. For this general framework …
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The paper characterizes the mixed-strategy equilibria in all-pay auctions with endogenous prizes that depend positively on own effort and negatively on the effort of competitors. Such auctions arise naturally in the context of investment games, lobbying games, and promotion tournaments. We also...
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