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Due to the non-normality of stock returns, nonparametric rank tests are gaining accceptance relative to parametric tests in financial economics event studies. In rank tests, financial assets’ multiple day cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) are replaced by cumulated ranks. This paper proposes...
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Using a large database of U.S. seasoned equity offering (SEO) announcements from 2010 to 2015, we examine the effects of several explanatory variables-firm specific, macroeconomic, fixed income, and stock market variables-on the announcement period abnormal stock returns and on the longer-run...
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A highly-respected public recognition of supply chain management (SCM) excellence is the Supply Chain Top 25 List, published annually by AMR Research. By employing event study method, this study extensively examined stock market reactions to annual announcements of the AMR Supply Chain Top 25...
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The welfare implications of vertical mergers have been a subject of disagreement for decades. Similar to horizontal mergers, economists need to weigh the efficiency gains relative to the market power concerns when considering the competitive effects of vertical mergers. However, in vertical...
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The economic growth of China has been driven by the development of its real estate market, especially after the 2008 crisis. This growth is mostly related to the huge housing bubble and growing amounts of sovereign debt that have been redirected to corporations in the sector. Evergrande is one...
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This study examines the impact of environmental regulation on the Singapore stock market using the event study methodology. Several asset pricing models are used to estimate sectoral abnormal returns. Additionally, we estimate the change in systematic risk after the introduction of the carbon...
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Cross-border acquisitions by Indian companies have increased tremendously, especially during the last two decades, and the pharmaceutical industry is one of the top acquiring industries. This study verifies the relationship between cross-border acquisitions and shareholders’ wealth in the...
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Different forecasting behaviors affect investors’ trading decisions and lead to qualitatively different asset price trajectories. It has been shown in the literature that the weights that investors place on observed asset price changes when forecasting future price changes, and the nature of...
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The paper provides a review of the literature that connects Big Data, Computational Science, Economics, Finance …
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This paper introduces Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Long Memory Stock Transaction Data of unknown underlying distribution. The moments with conditional heteroscedasticity have been discussed. In a Monte Carlo experiment, it was found that the QML estimator performs as well as CLS and...
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