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Since the collapse of the Metallgesellschaft AG due to hedging losses in 1993, energy practitioners have been concerned with the ability to hedge long-dated linear and non-linear oil liabilities with short-dated futures and options. This paper identifies a model-free non-parametric approach to...
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. Specifically, we use swarm intelligence to find the optimal exercise boundary for an American-style derivative. Swarm intelligence …
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Researchers who estimate affine term structure models often impose overidentifying restrictions (restrictions on parameters beyond those necessary for identification) for a variety of reasons. While some of those restrictions seem to have minor effects on the extracted factors and some measures...
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We study the bond price reaction of a merged firms peers, in order to better understand how the market responds to a … equity holders expect a direct benefit from a potential acquisition - in the form of a price premium-peer firm bond holders … reduction in risk as the explicit return driver, we show that abnormal bond returns within firm (between different bond issues …
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The main objective of this paper is to present an algorithm of pricing perpetual American put options with asset-dependent discounting. The value function of such an instrument can be described as VωAPut(s)=supτ∈TEs[e−∫0τω(Sw)dw(K−Sτ)+], where T is a family of stopping times, ω is...
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Arbitrage and liquidity are interrelated. Liquidity facilitates arbitrageurs’ trading on deviations from the law of one price. However, whether arbitrage opportunity leads to an increase or decrease in liquidity depends on the cause of the deviation. A demand shock leads to greater liquidity,...
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This paper proposes the sample path generation method for the stochastic volatility version of the CGMY process. We present the Monte-Carlo method for European and American option pricing with the sample path generation and calibrate model parameters to the American style S&P 100 index options...
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The valuation of options and many other derivative instruments requires an estimation of exante or forward looking … useful in the pricing of derivative securities where the implied stock price volatility cannot be observed. …
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This paper considers the multiperiod hedging decision in a framework of mean-reverting spot prices and unbiased futures markets. The task is to determine the optimal hedging path, i.e., the sequence of positions in futures contracts with the objective of minimizing the variance of an uncertain...
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The 2008 credit crisis changed the manner in which derivative trades are conducted. One of these changes is the posting … adjustment to derivative prices, known as a funding value adjustment (FVA), which is interlinked with the posting of collateral … price of a collateralized derivative. The fact that the two models coincide is also verified by numerical implementation of …
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