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The current paper studies equity markets for the contagion of squared index returns as a proxy for stock market … volatility, which has not been studied earlier. The study examines squared stock index returns of equity in 35 markets, including … of volatility. Results from the conditional heteroskedasticity long memory model show the evidence of long memory in the …
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We examine the impact of oil price and oil price volatility on US illiquidity premiums (return on illiquid …-minus-liquid stocks), using the US Oil Fund options implied volatility OVX index. We use daily data from 2007 to 2018, taking into account …
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This paper employs the two-step procedure to analyze the causality-in-mean and causality-in-variance between the housing and stock markets of the UK. The empirical findings make two key contributions. First, although previous studies have indicated a one-way causal relation from the housing...
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growing importance of emerging markets, the literature on the nature of volatility in global markets is typified by … volatility in developed G7 and emerging BRICS markets. Broad market index data and GARCH models over the period 2003 …:01–2020:08 were employed. The study found evidence of volatility persistence, asymmetry, mean reversion and weak evidence of a risk …
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This study investigated how stock market volatility responded dynamically to unexpected changes during the COVID-19 … pandemic and the resulting uncertainty in Thailand. Using a multivariate GARCH-BEKK model, the conditional volatility dynamics …, the interlinkages, and the conditional correlations between stock market volatility and the increasing rate of COVID-19 …
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We studied (i) the volatility feedback effect, defined as the relationship between contemporaneous returns and the … market-based volatility, and (ii) the leverage effect, defined as the relationship between lagged returns and the current … market-based volatility. For our analysis, we used daily measures of volatility estimated from high frequency data to explain …
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markets, namely, oil price returns and oil price volatility. Seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) are utilized to estimate … the effect of oil factors on commonality in liquidity. We find that the returns and volatility of oil prices explain the … volatility is more pronounced for net oil exporters as opposed to net oil importers after controlling for oil sensitivity. These …
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Using monthly data from January 2000 to August 2018, this paper examines how the Canadian oil and gas industry and individual firms’ equity prices react to oil price fluctuations, which are measured by the traditional West Texas Intermediate (WTI) benchmark and the Canada-specific Western...
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variance decomposition (FEVD) spillover framework of Diebold and Yilmaz in the time-frequency domain. Total volatility … opportunity in the short and long runs. The mid-cap index emerges as the major contributor to total volatility in the system …, followed by the small- and large-cap indices, during the analyzed period. The volatility spillover is time-varying in both the …
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This paper studies the historical time-varying dynamics of risk for individual stocks in the U.S. market. Total risk of an individual stock is decomposed into two components, systematic risk and idiosyncratic risk, and both components are studied separately. We start from the historical trend in...
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