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one-month variance swap rate, i.e., the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) accurately. Our research suggests that one should use …
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This paper proposes the sample path generation method for the stochastic volatility version of the CGMY process. We …
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trading around quarterly earnings announcements is either directionally motivated and/or volatility motivated. We found … volatility-motivated option trading, and our results suggest that this type of option trading could be motivated by hedging …
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difficulties for the use of Fourier inversion methodologies in volatility surface calibration. Continuous time Markov chain …
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98% . The relative importance of using the symmetric method increases with option maturity and with asset volatility …
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The main objective of this paper is to present an algorithm of pricing perpetual American put options with asset-dependent discounting. The value function of such an instrument can be described as VωAPut(s)=supτ∈TEs[e−∫0τω(Sw)dw(K−Sτ)+], where T is a family of stopping times, ω is...
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volatility model, such as the Heston model, has not been reported at all. Adopting the method of matched asymptotic expansions … volatility near expiry. Through our analyses, we are able to show that the option price will be quite different from that … the constant volatility case if the spot volatility is given the same value as the constant volatility in the Black …
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Markov-switching Heston's stochastic volatility model. Under this framework, the expected return and the long-term mean of … evidence that the Markov-switching Heston's stochastic volatility model performs well in capturing major events affecting price … volatility model. …
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This paper develops a test that helps assess whether the term structure of option implied volatility is constant across … "volatility smile" and an additive quadratic time effect is a statistically adequate depiction of the implied volatility data for … most years. The constancy of implied volatility term structure, in turn, implies that option traders shall feel confident …
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volatility. Many exotics are priced in a local volatility framework. Pricing under local volatility has become a field of … that assumes a constant volatility. The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) lists exotic options on its Can-Do platform. Most … exotic options listed on the JSE’s derivative exchanges are valued by local volatility models. These models needs a local …
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