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This paper studies repeated games with private monitoring where players make optimal decisions with respect to costly monitoring activities, just as they do with respect to stage-game actions. We consider the case where each player can observe other players' current-period actions accurately...
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This paper examines when a finitely repeated game with imperfect monitoring has a unique equilibrium outcome. This problem is nontrivial under imperfect monitoring, because uniqueness of stage game equilibrium does not guarantee such a negative result. We say an quilibrium is equilibrium...
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We study a simple model of repeated partnerships with noisy outcomes. Two partners first choose a sharing rule, under which they start their repeated interaction. We characterize the sharing rule which supports the most efficient equilibrium, and show that it suffices to consider two particular...
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We consider a repeated duopoly game where each firm privately chooses its investment in quality, and realized quality is a noisy indicator of the firm's investment. We focus on dynamic reputation equilibria, whereby consumers "discipline" a firm by switching to its rival in the case that the...
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This paper analyzes repeated games in which it is possible for players to observe the other players' past actions without noise but it is costly. One's observation decision itself is not observable to the other players, and this private nature of monitoring activity makes it difficult to give...
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