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This paper analyses how and to which degree the Danish flexicurity concept and its various elements achieve the renowned Danish miracle by evaluating their unemployment and inequality effects and their complementarities. We develop a microfounded model of searching workers and firms, calibrate...
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The analysis is about the compulsory German unemployment insurance system (GUIS). It is known that GUIS did nothing to prevent the continuous rise of the rate of unemployment since the 1970s. The empirical literature about GUIS indicates that the few endeavours to increase incentives to work...
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The paper is about the economically efficient design of financial transfers to the unemployed in a highly industrialized country. There have been quite a few contributions to this problem — for example by Beenstock/Brasse, Feldstein/ Altman, Grubel, Orzag/Snower — which are presented and...
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Comparing the unemployment insurance systems of the United States and of the United Kingdom it is shown that the US unemployment insurance (UI) is the only system that provides for a negative feedback between UI expenditures and layoffs (“experience rating”). The UK has no specific UI:...
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Es wird untersucht, wie ein System privater Versicherungen gegen das Risiko der Arbeitslosigkeit beschaffen sein sollte. Zu dem Zweck wird ein Trennsystem vorgeschlagen, das Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern gleichermaßen Anreize zur Verminderung von Arbeitslosigkeit gibt. Für die Arbeitnehmer...
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We explore the far-reaching implications of replacing current unemployment benefit (UB) systems by an unemployment accounts (UA) system. Under the UA system, employed people are required to make ongoing contributions to their UAs and the balances in these accounts are available to them during...
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Wir präsentieren einen Vorschlag für die Neuausrichtung der Arbeitslosenunterstützung in Deutschland: die Einführung von Beschäftigungskonten. Anstatt Steuern/Beiträge zu zahlen, die die Arbeitslosenunterstützung finanzieren, zahlen Beschäftigte laufend auf Ihre Beschäftigungskonten...
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This paper studies the role of labor market institutions in business cycle fluctuations. We develop a DSGE model with search and matching frictions and incorporate a US unemployment insurance experience rating system. Layoff taxes based on experience rating finance the cost of unemployment...
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Die Rolle der deutschen Arbeitslosenversicherung wird für vier Perioden seit 1871 daraufhin analysiert, ob man bei der Suche nach einem effizienten System der Arbeitslosenversicherung aus der Geschichte lernen kann. Die vier Perioden (Periode I: 1871/1914; II: 1918/32; III: 1933/39; IV: 1949/2001) sind...
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How do labour market policies influence employment's responsiveness to output fluctuations (employment-output elasticity)? We revisit this question on a panel of OECD countries, which also incorporates the period of the Great Recession. We distinguish between passive and active labour market...
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