Showing 1 - 8 of 8
and fertility behavior of teenage women in Turkey using the 2008 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey. We find that the …
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Türkiye’nin 2001 krizinden sonra maruz kaldýðý iktisadi dalgalanmalarda aþaðý yönlü katýlýk gösteren iþsizlik sorununa karþý, 1970’lerde arka arkaya gelen petrol fiyatý þoklarýna baðlý ekonomik krizlerden sonra benzer bir sorunu yaþayan geliþmiþ Avrupa ekonomileri...
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This paper investigates how informality can be defined and measured in the Turkish labor market. Two alternative definitions of informality are used to explore their relevance and implications for the Turkish labor market using descriptive statistics. They are the enterprise definition and the...
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This study exposes a comparative treatment of the private returns to education in Palestine and Turkey over the period 2004-2008. Comparable data, similar definitions and same methodology are used in the estimations. The estimates are provided first for average returns to education second for...
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, number of other household members, having/not having children, rural/urban) underlying worker transitions. The results reveal …
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Foreign language skills represent a form of human capital that can be rewarded in the labor market. Drawing on data from the Adult Education Survey of 2007, this is the first study estimating returns to foreign language skills in Turkey. We contribute to the literature on the economic value of...
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This paper investigates the male wage inequality and its evolution over the 1994-2002 period in Turkey by estimating Mincerian wage equations using OLS and quantile regression techniques. Male wage inequality is high in Turkey. While it declined at the lower end of the wage distribution it...
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Informality is a salient feature of labor market in Egypt as it is the case with many developing countries. This is the first study of the determinants of worker transitions between various labor market states using panel data from Egypt. We first provide a diagnosis of dynamic worker flows...
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