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This paper presents the first UK estimates of the association between parental wealth during adolescence and a range of … children’s outcomes in early adulthood. Parental wealth is positively associated with all outcomes examined (which include … association reflects the indirect effect of parental wealth on children’s education whereas for homeownership the estimated …
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Using the evidence from the Luxembourg Wealth Study it appears that the distribution of wealth in the UK is … and of the wealth differential between the rich and the rest? Using a Pareto model for the upper tail of the distribution …
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In this paper we seek to determine the effect of assets held in early adult life on later outcomes. We specifically look at wages, employment prospects, general health and Malaise. The identification of an asset-effect throws up a number of statistical challenges as asset holding is not random....
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The theory of functional equations is used to clarify the relationship between equilibrium distributions of wealth and …
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This paper examines trends in the distribution of household wealth in Great Britain from 1995 to 2005 using the British … Household Panel Survey (BHPS). The data show that wealth is very unevenly distributed and reveal a widening absolute gap over … the period between wealthier households and those with no or negative wealth. However, in relative terms, wealth grew …
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There has been a large rise in the UK ratio of personal wealth to national income. Personal wealth has grown since the … 1970s about twice as fast in real terms as national income. Has this rise in the wealth-income ratio led to a corresponding … increase in the wealth being passed on from one generation to the next? Are we returning to the levels of inheritance found in …
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Averaging methods are routinely used in order to limit biases resulting from the mismeasurement of permanent incomes. The Solon/Zimmerman estimator regresses a single-year measurement of the child's resources on a T-period average of the parents' income while the Behrman/Taubman estimator...
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We analyse in detail the factors that lead to intergenerational persistence among sons, where this is measured as the association between childhood family income and later adult earnings. We seek to account for the level of income persistence in the 1970 BCS cohort and also to explore the...
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Because the permanent incomes of parents and children are typically unobserved, the estimation of the intergenerational correlation via the use of proxy variables entails an errors-in-variables bias. By solving a system of moment equations for income observed at a given year, and a T-period...
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This paper assesses the potential of `workplace training'' with reference to German Apprenticeship. When occupational matching is important, we derive conditions under which firms provide `optimal'' training packages. Since the German system broadly meets these conditions, we evaluate the...
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