Showing 1 - 10 of 55
Agricultural irrigation permits in the Flint River Basin in Georgia had been routinely granted until a moratorium was placed on permit issuance in 1999. This research exploits this policy change within a hedonic-pricing framework to estimate the value of irrigation rights in the southeastern...
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Rapid population growth and increasing water costs have led western states to condition development on long-term water availability. Using original survey data, this paper examines the effects of water screening policies on California’s housing supply from 1994 to 2003. Panel regressions...
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This paper examines the role of participation as a tool for improving individuals’ perceptions and environmental values using a test-retest experiment conducted in south-eastern Nigeria. Two identical contingent valuation experiments were interspersed by participatory workshops designed to...
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To assess the potential for urban demand side management (DSM) policies as a water resource management tool, we analyze the extent to which price and alternative policy instruments (such as use and quantity restrictions and subsidies for water efficient technologies) reduce residential demand...
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This paper extends the multistage procedure set out by Fried, Schmidt, and Yaisawarng (1999) to examine the importance of environmental factors when assessing the technical efficiency of water agencies. However, following Simar and Wilson’s (2007) critique of multistage efficiency analyses,...
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The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) must balance environmental protection of riverine resources with the nation’s growing demand for power production every time it issues a hydroelectric license. This paper models the bureaucratic agency’s decision-making process in issuing...
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The main objective is to assess preference heterogeneity related to the spatial distribution of water quality improvements throughout a river basin. In a choice experiment, the river basin’s hydrogeographical units and the levels of water quality improvement are included as attributes in the...
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This paper studies plant level data on actual and permitted levels of water pollution emissions for the pulp and paper industry. There is widespread and substantial overcompliance with the relevant regulations: aggregate BOD emissions in 1992 were only 50% of the amount allowed. Overcompliance...
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An analysis of the demand for air quality in four MSAs in the United States is presented using the American Housing Survey data from 1974-1991, the Decennial U.S. Censuses, and the EPA Aerometric Information Retrieval System. The marginal prices of air quality are obtained from parameter...
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This paper combines a new, large household-level data set with the two-stage hedonic- estimation technique to derive new estimates of willingness to pay (WTP) for reduced air pollution. The WTP estimates are found robust against functional-form specification. Marginal WTP estimates for a...
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