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TThis paper examines urban land prices within a non-parametric framework with specific interest in the land price gradient with respect to distance from the city center. The land price surface is estimated over a 900-square mile portion of the Chicago metropolitan area and is based on...
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This paper analyzes the judicial resolution of land-use con icts and then derives a technique to promote mediation of these and other property rights disputes. A simple theory is developed comparing Coasean bargaining over unallocated property rights to nonmarket resolution. The analysis leads...
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Residential Community Associations (RCAs) are quickly becoming a common but controversial feature of the housing market. Previously published empirical work on the impact of RCA zoning has been limited in institutional detail and has not corrected for spatial autocorrelation. This paper uses...
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To estimate benefits from open space adjacent to residences, this paper blends contingent valuation and conjoint analysis within a housing market context. The resulting framework — "contingent-pricing analysis," — represents the stated preference counterpart to hedonic-pricing analysis by...
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This article investigates how land-use regulations differentially influence suburban versus rural-residential development. Particular emphasis is placed on how both the provision of municipal services (e.g., sewer and water) and zoned maximum density constrain higher-density residential...
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This study investigates the influence of urban form on automobile travel using household survey data from Germany. Two dimensions of car use are considered: the discrete decision to own a car and the continuous decision of distance traveled. Because these decisions are likely influenced by...
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Ricardian and von Thunen land rent models are combined into a single land use share model including farm, forest, and urban land uses. The land share model is applied to the Southern United States, and elasticities are extracted that measure land share response to changes in population, income,...
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Residential land use in urban areas can be constrained by zoning or restrictive covenants. When covenants and zoning exist simultaneously, covenants can facilitate an efficient allocation of high-restriction and low-restriction residential land. However, covenants cannot remedy deadweight loss...
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This paper estimates econometric models of the socioeconomic drivers of urban land use change in the Pearl River Delta, China. The panel data used to estimate the models are generated by combining high-resolution remote sensing data with economic and demographic data from annual compendium. The...
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We present a method for measuring the opportunity cost of sequestering carbon on tropical farms. We derive the rates of carbon sequestration for timber and agroforestry systems and compute incentive compatible compensating payment schedules for farmers who sequester carbon. The method is applied...
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