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-2000 sample, the initial response of investment to a productivity shock with responses in the top quartile is 60% higher than the … shock. Conversely, a slowdown after a boom can lead to a long lasting investment slump, which is unresponsive to policy … smoothing in the investment response to aggregate shocks. The remaining 40% is explained by general equilibrium forces. The …
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In this paper we provide a model of the macroeconomic implications of safe asset shortages. In particular, we discuss the emergence of a deflationary safety trap equilibrium with high risk premia. It is an acute form of a liquidity trap, in which the shortage of a specific form of assets, safe...
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The secular decline in safe interest rates since the early 1980s has been the subject of considerable attention. In this short paper, we argue that it is important to consider the evolution of safe real rates in conjunction with three other first-order macroeconomic stylized facts: the relative...
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In this paper we document first that, in contrast with their widely perceived excess returns, popular carry trade strategies yield low systemic-risk-adjusted returns. In particular, we show that carry trade returns are highly correlated with the return of a VIX rolldown strategy — i.e., the...
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