Showing 1 - 10 of 23
This paper discusses sociological analyses of the formation and role of expectations in the economy. Recognition of the social constitution of expectations advances the understanding of economic action under conditions of uncertainty and helps to explain core features of modern capitalist...
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In this article I develop a proposal for the theoretical vantage point of the sociology of markets, focusing on the problem of the social order of markets. The initial premise is that markets are highly demanding arenas of social interaction, which can only operate if three inevitable...
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Was ist Wirtschaftssoziologie? Die Frage nach Identität dieser soziologischen Teildisziplin ist immer wieder Gegenstand konzeptioneller Ausführungen. In diesem Artikel wählen wir einen anderen Ansatz, indem wir die Beschäftigung der Soziologie mit dem Thema Wirtschaft empirisch untersuchen....
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Die Problematik der Ungewissheit hat sich zu einem zentralen theoretischen Ausgangspunkt wirtschaftssoziologischer Forschung entwickelt. Das Papier diskutiert die Frage, inwieweit Ungewissheit tatsächlich als paradigmatischer Ansatzpunkt zur Untersuchung wirtschaftlicher Phänomene aus...
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The Discussion Paper develops a proposal for understanding the theoretical vantage point of the sociology of markets, focusing on the problem of the social order of markets. The initial premise is that markets are contingent arenas of social action, which can only operate if three coordination...
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French governments are famous for promoting national champions, notably by preventing foreign takeovers, but in 2005-2006, the Villepin administration allowed the New York Stock Exchange to take control of Euronext, a French-led pan-European company that includes the Paris Bourse. By mapping the...
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The article provides an overview of the state of the art of sociological research on price formation. The dominant trait of the sociological approach to prices is to understand price formation not as the outcome of individual preferences but as the result of the social and political forces...
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Die zeitgenössische Ökonomisierungstheorie hat moralischen und nachfrageseitigen Wandel als Einflussfaktor für Ökonomisierung bislang stark vernachlässigt. Sie erklärt den derzeitigen Ökonomisierungstrend mit Veränderungen der politischen und unternehmerischen Leitbilder sowie...
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Although illicit exchange has also been an organized, silent, and ever-present response to harsh economic crisis, only protest and social movements have captured scholars' attention. In order to fill this void, this paper analyzes the emergence of illegal markets under situations of social...
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State concerns about crime and security issues have strongly affected conceptions of economic action outside the law, a traditional field of research in sociology. This increasing encroachment by policy-related concerns on the intellectual framework of the discipline has led, on one hand, to an...
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