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We discuss the typical mistakes in carrying out reforms that promote redistributive activities and give rise to redistribution cycles; each cycle includes the stages of reform, stabilization and recovery. We provide arguments that show that a possible way out of the institutional backwardness...
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Recent studies of processes of economic reforms testified that realization of liberal school recipes resulted in nonadequate losses. Basing on these studies,the author singles out a number of fundamental mistakes of the neoliberal conception. The neoliberals ignored costs of institutional...
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The Theory of Reform is a comparatively new branch of economic theory that studies processes of purposeful change of economic institutions. In the paper, we outline corresponding problems, and present some of the most important results of the Theory of Reform. Sources of reform costs as well as...
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This is the second part of the work devoted to the problem of the choice of institutional reform strategies. In the first part a concept of a promising trajectory was introduced. This is a trajectory that has good chances to be successful since it meets a number of requirements; their list was...
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The article is devoted to the problem of transplantation of institutions from an economic system to less developed one. The goal of transplantation is the acceleration of institutional development. However, a danger of rejection or dysfunction of the transplanted institutions arises. The problem...
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The article contains the analysis of methodological changes and some key achievements in theoretical economics during the last fifty years. It is argued that the task, set up in a number of classical treatises, namely - to build the economic theory by the pattern of physics, probably can not be...
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Causes of the transformational recession in Russia are analyzed. It is argued that particulary important are two of them: "row material integration" into world markets and premature attempts of the government to stop inflation. A program of inflation rate stabilization is proposed as an...
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This study explores a problem of elaboration of a Manual For Reformers to facilitate planning and realization of efficient transformations of economic institutions. The first attempt to create such a manual, so called «Washington Consensus», is analyzed in detail. An alternative system of...
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We argue that a system of strategic (indicative) planning is necessary to realize a successful catching-up strategy. The main task of the system is creation of a regular mechanism of interaction among government, business, trade unions, and consumers to facilitate strengthening of mutual...
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We propose a difference-differential equation that reflects interactions between innovation and imitation processes to describe the evolution of the distribution curve of firms by efficiency levels. An explicit solution of this equation is obtained for arbitrary finite initial conditions. It is...
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