Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Consumption is more volatile than output in developing countries while it is less volatile than output in developed economies. This paper shows that the relatively large home sector in developing economies contributes to this difference, and the driving force for this difference is technology....
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We modify the Diamond-Dybvig [3] model studied in Green and Lin [5] to incorporate a self-interested banker who has a private record-keeping technology. A public record-keeping device does not exist. We find that there is a trade-off between sophisticated contracts that possess relatively good...
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The business of money creation is conceptually distinct from that of intermediation. Yet, these two activities are frequently---but not always---combined together in the form of a banking system. We develop a simple model to examine the question: When is banking essential? There is a role for...
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I study a version of the Lagos-Wright (2005) model for which the Friedman rule is always a desirable policy, but where implementation may be constrained by the need to respect incentive-feasibility. In the environment I consider, incentives are distorted owing to private information and limited...
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An intermediate level macroeconomics textbook that develops the core elements of modern macroeconomic theory in easily digestible bits using indifference curves, budgets constraints, and simple math. Core ideas and applications are stressed throughout.
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I consider a model of intertemporal trade where agents lack commitment, agent types are private information, there is an absence of recordkeeping, and societal penalties are infeasible. Despite these frictions, I demonstrate that policy can be designed to implement the first-best allocation as a...
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In this paper, I provide a rationale for why money should earn interest; or, what amounts to the same thing, why risk-free claims to non-interest-bearing money should trade at discount. I argue that interest-bearing money is essential when individual money balances are private information. The...
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We study a version of the Diamond-Dybvig Green-Lin model with a strategic banker.
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