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This paper investigates the relationship between interbank funds and efficiencies for the commercial banks operating in Turkey between 2001 and 2006. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is executed to find the efficiency scores of the banks for each year, and fixed effects panel data regression is...
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In Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) context financial data/ ratios have been used in order to produce a unified measure of performance metric. However, several scholars have indicated that the inclusion of financial ratios create biased efficiency estimates with implications on firms’ and...
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The purpose of this paper is the discussion of non-financial performance measures that can be adopted in the management accounting function of business organisations. The study is important because it shows how organisational focus on non-financial measures can substantially enhance...
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I investigate the relationship between university rankings and economic growth and found that the relationship is statistically significant. The more the number of universities that a country has in international university rankings, the higher its GDP per capita. What is more surprising is...
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Triggered by the phenomenon of globalisation, during recent years there has been a process of State policy rationalisation in the social expenditure domain; hence the debate over the present role and dimension of welfare state has intensified. Following on the extensive multidisciplinary...
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In statistical data analysis it is often important to compare, classify, and cluster different time series. For these purposes various methods have been proposed in the literature, but they usually assume time series with the same sample size. In this paper, we propose a spectral domain method...
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Purpose: Health states that describe an investigated condition are a crucial component of valuation studies. The health states need to be distinct, comprehensible, and data-driven. The objective of this study was to describe a novel application of Rasch and cluster analyses in the development of...
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The aim of this work is the analysis of the operational efficiencies of the major Italian airports. The study is based on a cross-sectional, time series dataset of 14 Italian airports for the period 2000-2004. In the sample there are the two international airport systems of Rome and Milan, each...
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The hedge funds industry was partly blamed for the global financial crisis that started in 2007, especially in Europe. If one analyses the performance of hedge funds during this period, it becomes clear that the hedge fund industry did not necessarily fare well. Some funds gained, but many...
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This paper proposes spectral and asymmetric-volatility based methods for cluster analysis of stock returns. Using the information about both the periodogram of the squared returns and the estimated parameters in the TARCH equation, we compute a distance matrix for the stock returns. Clusters are...
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