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welfare in the economy by up to 0.3 percent of consumption. This result is robust to several specifications of the Taylor rule …
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Recent literature on monetary policy analysis extensively uses the sticky price model of price adjustment in a New Keynesian Macroeconomic framework. This price setting model, however, has been criticized for producing implausible results regarding inflation and output dynamics. This paper...
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long-run growth is important for welfare, new Keynesian's claim that monetary policy should stabilize nominal variables is …
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Milton Friedman, one of greatest economists of all time, died on November 16, 2006 at age 94. He was famous for his conclusion that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,” and for the related notion that ultimately the only thing a central bank, such as the Federal...
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The paper provides an alternative view to the Real and New Keynesian business cycle theories. The paper focuses on the combination of both real and nominal variables in explaining the cyclical movements of business cycles. We propose using Vector Autoregressive (VAR) technique on the production...
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of SP on FF is also confirmed in a Taylor Rule estimate. Higher stock prices anticipate lower, not higher, inflation. …
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This paper analyzes housing market boom-bust cycles driven by changes in households'expectations. We explore the role of expectations not only on productivity but on several other shocks that originate in the housing market, the credit market and the conduct of monetary policy. We find that, in...
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In late 2008 and early 2009, there has been a serious deterioration in the economic outlook of political leaders, the media and many economic analysts. Comparisons of recent performance and the outlook have degenerated into comparisons with the Great Depression of the 1930s, suggesting that the...
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This paper uses the conventional wisdom about the shift in the monetary policy stance in 1979 to compute monetary policy shocks by estimating different monetary policy reaction functions for the pre-1979 and post-1979 time periods. We use the information from the internal forecasts of the...
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This paper assesses the level of readiness of Romania to adopt euro, based on nominal and real convergence criteria evaluation. We used the optimal currency area criteria in order to assess the real convergence process in Romania. The main conclusion of the paper is that more progress is...
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