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of comparable VAR that fails to recognize that the system is characterized by cointegration. I use Monte Carlo simulation … knowledge of cointegration rank. Furthermore the results indicate that a cointegration modeling of credit risk should be favored …
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of comparable VAR that fails to recognize that the system is characterized by cointegration. I use Monte Carlo simulation … knowledge of cointegration rank. Furthermore the results indicate that a cointegration modeling of credit risk should be favored …
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deflator, it provides a root mean square forecasting error (RMFSE) of 1.0% at a four-year horizon for the period between 1971 … and 2004. The relationship is tested for cointegration. All three variables involved in the relationship are proved to be … integrated of order one. Two methods of cointegration testing are used. First is the Engle-Granger approach based on the unit …
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obtained for the USA is characterized by A1=4.0, A2=-0.03075, and t1=2 years. It provides a root mean square forecasting error … (RMFSE) of 0.8% at a two-year horizon for the period between 1965 and 2002 (the best among other inflation forecasting models …) and has a perfect parsimony - only one predictor. The relationship is tested for cointegration. Both variables are …
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the naive one by a factor of 2 to 3. The relationships for inflation were successfully tested for cointegration. We have …
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Forecasting the nominal exchange rate has been one of the most difficult exercises in economics. This study employs the … identified cointegrated vector. Out of sample forecasting analysis of parsimonious short run dynamic error correction model is …
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This paper develops a matching model à la Pissarides (2000) in order to explain the basic facts of housing markets, most of all the variance in house prices. Price dispersion is basically due to both the ex-ante heterogeneity of the parties and the search costs of buyers and sellers. In fact,...
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This paper uses street-level data on house sales and crime rates for England and Wales to look at the existence of compensating differentials for crime risk. In terms of identification my strategy relies on the use of non-parametric regional time trends as well as various fixed effects to...
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This paper investigates the effect of unemployment on house prices in the UK property market to give an indication of the nature of their relationship. By evaluating housing research, including unemployment variables, this paper gives an overview of the uses of the unemployment variable and show...
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Ireland experienced a recent boom-bust cycle in the housing market. While the housing market in Ireland has been analysed at the national level there has been no research on the relationship between fundamentals and the housing market at the sub-national level. In this paper the spatial...
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