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-- 2010 I exhaustively evaluate the forecasting properties of Bayesian shrinkage in regressions with many predictors. Results …
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This paper develops methods for automatic selection of variables in forecasting Bayesian vector autoregressions (VARs … Carlo experiment, and in forecasting 4 macroeconomic series of the UK using time-varying parameters vector autoregressions … (TVP-VARs). Restricted models consistently improve upon their unrestricted counterparts in forecasting, showing the merits …
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Motivated by the way a small open economy should react to business cycles, we have estimated a small open economy (SOE) model for Nigeria. This is with a view to understanding how the Nigerian economy should be managed in the face of a cycle such as the current global meltdown. Our SOE model is...
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In this paper, we forecast EU-area inflation with many predictors using time-varying parameter models. The facts that time-varying parameter models are parameter-rich and the time span of our data is relatively short motivate a desire for shrinkage. In constant coefficient regression models, the...
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In this paper we develop methods for estimation and forecasting in large time-varying parameter vector autoregressive … application involving forecasting inflation, real output, and interest rates demonstrates the feasibility and usefulness of our …
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from internet search queries performed on the search engine Google. The forecasting performance of the Google Inflation …, Survey of Professional Forecasters, and the Michigan Survey. While useful in developing models of forecasting inflation …
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, are relevant to forecasting economic growth and stock returns, and whether they contain information that is orthogonal to …
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Michigan Surveys of Consumers. While these measures have been useful in developing models of forecasting inflation, the data …
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This paper investigates the accuracy of point and density forecasts of four DSGE models for inflation, output growth and the federal funds rate. Model parameters are estimated and forecasts are derived successively from historical U.S. data vintages synchronized with the Fed’s Greenbook...
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forecasting accuracy within factor modelling framework. Nested data means disaggregated data or sub-components of aggregated … mean square error is employed as the standard tool to measure forecasting accuracy. According to this empirical study we … enhance Latvian GDP forecasting accuracy. The efficiency gain improving forecasts is about 0.15-0.20 percentage points of year …
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