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The purpose of this paper is to present an airport and access mode choice model based on discrete choice theory. In particular, a nested logit-model approach is employed and alternatives are based on so-called "airport categories", which were formed from a demand-oriented point of view. For this...
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Modelling airport choice of passengers has been a subject of interest for air transport scientists and airport managers already for a while. Wilken, Berster and Gelhausen have reported of a market segment specific model approach to airport choice in Germany in a paper entitled "Airport Choice in...
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The primary role of international airports is to serve the general public with scheduled and charter services, typically provided by airlines. Of secondary importance is their task to provide direct air transport access to the regional industry and to firms who operate their own fleets. In...
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Let U be an unobserved random variable with compact support and let e_t be unobserved i.i.d. random errors also with compact support. Observe the random variables V_t, X_t, and Y_t = 1{U +d X_t+e_t V_t}, t = T, where d is an unknown parameter. This type of model is relevant for many stated...
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Using a range of nonparametric methods, the paper examines the specification of a model to evaluate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for travel time changes from binomial choice data from a simple time-cost trading experiment. The analysis favours a model with random WTP as the only source of...
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This paper considers travel mode choice for a range of journey purposes in Ireland using micro-data for 2009. Results suggest that demographic and socio-economic variables, location and public transport availability are important determinants of mode choice. The results also indicate an...
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We estimate a discrete-continuous model of vehicle demand and use for the Belgian region of Flanders, combining the results of the official regional travel survey with a detailed database of vehicle characteristics. The overall predictive value of the submodel predicting the number of vehicles...
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This paper estimates the demand for flights in an international air travel market using a unique dataset with detailed information not only on flight choices but also on contemporaneous prices and characteristics of all the alternative non-booked flights. The estimation strategy employs a simple...
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In classical traffic flow theory, there are two velocities associated with a given level of traffic flow. Following Vickrey, economists have termed travel at the higher speed congested travel and at the lower speed hypercongested travel. Since the publication of Walters' classic paper (1961,...
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This document analizes the preferences of public transportation system users in Cartagena de Indias - Colombia. The research uses related variables on transportation modes chosen by people and some other characteristics of the people who make such decisions. The analysis allows us to understand...
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