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We model a typical Asian-crisis-economy using dynamic general equilibrium tech-niques. Exchange rates obtain from nontrivial fiat-currencies demands. Sudden stops/bank-panics are possible, and key for evaluating the merits of alternative ex-change rate regimes. Strategic complementarities...
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In a micro-founded framework in line with the new open economy macroeconomics, the paper shows that more centralized wage setting (CWS) and central bank conservatism (CBC) curb unemployment only if labor market distortions are sizeable. When labor market distortions are sufficiently low,...
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From 1990 onwards, Eastern European countries have had as a primary economic goal the convergence with the traditionally capitalist states in Western Europe. The usage of various exchange rate regimes to accomplish the convergence of inflation and interest rates, in order to create a fully...
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There is a widespread consensus that China’s growth paradigm needs a rebalancing away from investment and external demand and towards consumption and domestic demand. This rebalancing process is supposed to be accompanied by the transition towards Renminbi’s full convertibility. In contrast,...
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This paper tries to explain empirical causation between the exports and the real exchange rate. The paper develops a simple model, the model is based on the relationship of exports to: real interest rates differential, foreign demand for domestic goods and real exchange rate. The paper then...
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Integration into the European Monetary Union (EMU) and adoption of Euro became a specific objective for Eastern European Countries after their accession into the European Union. This objective implies specific nominal and real economic convergence for these countries within a given period of...
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The paper studies the misalignment2-exchange rate regime linkages by pursing three avenues. First, does misalignment vary across alternative de jure and de facto exchange rate systems? Second, can these misalignment-effects be explained by different probabilities of undervaluation and...
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The alleged justifications for government borrowing in a country which issues its own currency are examined here. The conclusion is that no justification exists for borrowing money in the normal sense of the phrase “borrow money”: that is, the use by one entity of money loaned by another...
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In contrast to Robert Mundell‘s Optimum Currency Area theory and his recommendation of forming a monetary union, the economic fundamentals of Euro area member countries have not harmonized. The opposite holds: the Euro core countries - most of all Germany, but also the Netherlands and Finland...
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The objective of this article is to present in a systematic war elements to debate the persistence of the option for central banks, against its replacement by currency boards or by a foreign currency in unstable environments. Both, currency boards or "dollarization" could be desirable since the...
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