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Web sites invest significant resources in trying to influence their visibility in online search results. We study the economic incentives of Web sites to invest in this process known as search engine optimization. We focus on methods that improve sites' ranking among the search results without...
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&D races, lobbying activity and sport contests are captured by this framework. After analyzing the unique mixed strategy …
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Using contests to generate innovation has and is widely used. Such contests often involve offering a prize that depends …
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This note introduces a model of contests with random noise and a shared prize that combines features of Tullock (1980 …
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Many economic, political and social environments can be described as contests in which agents exert costly efforts … while competing over the distribution of a scarce resource. These environments have been studied using Tullock contests, all … canonical contests. First, we review studies investigating the basic structure of contests, including the number of players and …
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Recent papers show that all-pay auctions are better at raising money for charity than first-price auctions with symmetric bidders and under incomplete information. Yet, this result is lost with sufficiently asymmetric bidders and under complete information. In this paper, we consider a framework...
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According to the so-called Exclusion Principle (introduced by Baye et alii, 1993), it might be profitable for the seller to reduce the number of fully-informed potential bidders in an all-pay auction. We show that it does not apply if the seller regards the bidders’ private valuations as...
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We show that the seller’s optimal reserve price in an all-pay auction with complete information is higher than in a standard auction. We use our results to re-consider some findings of the literature that models lobbying games as all-pay auctions. In particular, we show that the so-called...
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the modelization for many real scenarios, like R&D contests and sport tournaments. In our simple two-stage framework with …
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As a selling mechanism, auctions have acquired a central position in the free market economy all over the globe. This development has deepened, broadened, and expanded the theory of auctions in new directions. This chapter is intended as a selective update of some of the developments and...
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