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Abstract Starting from some of the most recent literature developed after the world financial crisis, it has been developed a model with heterogeneous agents and an active interbank market, characterized by an endogenous default probability. The key feature of the analysis is that the...
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and real growth of output in formulating Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models which showed interdependence interaction …
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Monetary policy has a significant effect on long-term interest rates and shocks due to inflation and monetary policy have the largest impact on the volatility of long-term interest rates. Long-term interest rates provide significant upward momentum on short-term interest rates and shocks to...
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This study contributes to existing literature on firms’ innovative activity examining the relationship between the R&D rivalry and spillovers at the firm level. In particular, we present an empirical analysis in United States, Japan and Europe based upon a new dataset composed of 879 worldwide...
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exports to imports. VAR model is used in estimating the macro-economic impact of oil prices. Based on the results of the …
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Using annual data for Colombia over the last 30 years, we test competing theories that explain macroeconomic fluctuations: the neoclassical synthesis, which posits that in the presence of temporary price rigidity, an unanticipated monetary expansion produces output gains that erode over time...
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The paper compares one-period ahead forecasting performance of linear vector-autoregressive (VAR) models and single … single-equation MS models tend to perform slightly better than linear VAR models when no leading information is available … than linear VAR models. …
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VAR modelling is a frequent technique in econometrics for linear processes. VAR modelling offers some desirable …-order VARMA structure, it cannot be equivalently represented by any finite-order VAR model. On the other hand, a finite … the previous facts, we check in this paper whether subspace-based state space models provide better forecasts than VAR …
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In this paper we estimate a structural VAR model to identify the causes of inflation in Ecuador. To examine the VAR … to the variables in the VAR. We differ from previous studies because we are able not only to identify the impact of each …
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This paper focuses on the impact of China’s export expansion on Malaysian monthly trading with to her 12 major trading partners over the liberalization era. Structural break(s) found mostly coincides with the Asia financial crisis and China’s accession into WTO and, regime shifts are evident...
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