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This paper provides a technical primer for the energy economist wishing to study the optimal power flow problem. The paper’s aims are to provide the reader with sufficient technical background sufficient to calculate power transfer distribution factors (PTDF’s, or network shift factors) for...
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This paper presents a method for evaluating investments in decentralized renewable power generation under price un certainty. The analysis is applicable for a client with an electricity load and a renewable resource that can be utilized for power generation. The investor has a deferrable...
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We sketch the main aspects of Greece’s electricity system from a market-based point of view. First, we provide data concerning the mix of generating units, the system load and the frequency-related ancillary services. Then, we formulate a simplified model of Greece’s Day-Ahead Scheduling...
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This article analyzes tacit collusion in infinitely repeated multiunit uniform price auctions in a symmetric oligopolywith capacity-constrained firms.Under two popular definitions of the uniform price, when each firm sets a price-quantity pair, perfect collusion with equal sharing of profit is...
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This empirical paper compares the accuracy of 12 time series methods for short-term (day-ahead) spot price forecasting in auction-type electricity markets. The methods considered include standard autoregression (AR) models, their extensions – spike preprocessed, threshold and semiparametric...
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Deregulation of the electricity generating industry, under way in the United States as well as in Europe, would yield economies to operate in a more competitive environment causing improvement of efficiency and the possibility to develop related financial markets to manage price uncertainty....
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Security of supply in electricity is questioned in liberalised markets as it is often characterised as a public good. We examine if this can be modified allowing for creation of security markets, which can be justified by welfare gains. From a welfare perspective it is possible that security...
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This empirical study assesses the impact of specific regulatory policy measures, adopted in the Greek wholesale electricity market during the period 2004-2011, on the Day-Ahead Market Price. We consider an ARMA-GARCH model extended to include dummies and other exogenous variables that affect...
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The problem of trend-cyclic component filtering from price time-series arises in many commodity market studies, including those of wholesale electricity market. The long-term component filtering is an important part of price analysis since incorrect determination of this component may result in...
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The paper analyses the welfare effects of union bargaining centralisation in a simple general equilibrium model. A two-sector model is developed where the wage rate in the first sector is either set decentralised by a small union at the firm level or centralised by a large union covering all...
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