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Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency that has attracted substantial interest in recent years from the general people, profit seekers, risk takers, academic practitioners and last but not the least, from economists. Most recently, particularly, after 2015, it has succeeded to gain even more...
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Using a sample of 6,888 non-financial firms from 47 countries, we examine the effect of derivative use on firms’ risk … the use of financial derivatives reduces both total risk and systematic risk. The effect of derivative use on firm value … could account for the mixed evidence in the literature on the effect of hedging on firm value. …
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Complexity theory is designed to bring order out of a rough-and- tumble world, something close to every insurance professional's or actuary's heart. Whether applied in the laboratory or as part of a mathematical model, it can do wonderful things . But in the real world it's just what its name...
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This paper estimates the foreign exchange rate exposure of 6,917 U.S. nonfinancial firms on the basis of stock prices and corporate cash flows. The results show that several firms are significantly exposed to at least one of the foreign exchange rates Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen and Euro, and...
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stakeholder groups’ interests. A study of the use of hedging instruments in 161 Polish non-financial listed companies is then … determine relationships between the hedging decision and financial standing of companies. However, company size is proved to be … the only significant factor for a hedging decision. The implications of these findings and new research questions are …
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This paper describes theoretical motivations for corporate risk management activities and empirical evidence provided by different scholars on such rationales. These theoretical considerations can be extended also to the new risk management practices such as enterprise risk management. Based on...
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People by and large tend to postpone their present consumption for numerous reasons. This postponement of consumption leaves them with surplus money to invest for future consumption. Amongst the number of alternatives avenues present for such investments, gold too tends to be one of them. People...
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management. The risk is often estimated by a substitution of a good estimator of the volatility matrix. However, the accuracy of … estimates of the volatility matrix: sample covariance, approximate factor model with known factors, and unknown factors (POET …
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This is a short version of the paper of Exchange Options (2007), concentrating on the principle of numeraire invariance. It emphasizes application to unique pricing in arbitrage-free model, the derivation of hedge ratios and the PDE when price ratios are diffusions, explicit representations in...
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hedges. For a typical sample firm, pass-through and operational hedging each reduce exposure by 10% to 15%. Financial hedging …
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