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and lagged relationships between the rates of inflation, unemployment, and change in labour force. For France, several … unemployment within the Phillips curve framework. Following the original problem formulation by Fisher and Phillips, the set of … the naive one by a factor of 2 to 3. The relationships for inflation were successfully tested for cointegration. We have …
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shocks temporarily increase unemployment. Positive labor demand shocks increase employment, depress unemployment, rise real … average wages, and were found to be the main determinant of variability of employment and unemployment in the short-run. In … employment and unemployment. The retrospective simulations of the model show that Baltic states and Poland were significantly …
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Republic (S. A. R.). For that, this paper will analyses the unemployment available data and use the cointegration method. The …The aim of this paper is to test the relationship between unemployment and the effective factors in the Syrian Arab … paper says that unemployment in S.A.R. is a structural problem and concentrates in young people and those who have recently …
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In this paper we characterize the unemployment rate for the main cities of the Bío Bío Region using the state … for each structural model for monthly unemployment rate data which spans between I.1996 and XII.2005. We use an additive … cent for four cities); secondly, the hypothesis which states that seasonal peak levels for unemployment rate are related to …
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The concept of NAIRU summarized the observed negative correlation between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate … target both low unemployment and price stability. Therefore, it was government's role to seek a point on the trade …
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This paper applies a set of unit root and cointegration tests with non-linear error-correction mechanisms to a subset … generally find that the unemployment rate, productivity, and real wages have a unit root even if one controls for threshold … effects. This finding justifies the use of a cointegration approach to assess the existence of a long-run equilibrium among …
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A simple plot of seasonal adjusted quarterly data between the change of nominal wage rates and the unemployment rate … well be that the German Phillips Curve and the corresponding regressions are spurious, but an allegedly missing co-integration … of wage rate changes and unemployment rate is not the argument that could be drawn on to sustain this scepticism. On the …
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plot of seasonal adjusted quarterly data between the change of nominal wage rates and the unemployment rate shows a picture …
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Recent studies have indicated that the terms 'NAIRU' (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment) and 'natural … rate of unemployment' are not interchangeable. While NAIRU is an empirical macroeconomic relationship estimated via a … natural rate of unemployment relative to the NAIRU. The natural rate of unemployment in the USA since the Second World War is …
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, using time series data. ADF unit root test is employed to check for stationarity. ARDL and DOLS approaches to cointegration …
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