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This paper examines the farm size and productivity relationship using data from Nepalese mid hills. The household data … the explanation that the IR between farm size and productivity is due to variation in regions as well as access to …
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Credit risk is crucial to understanding banks' production technology and should be explicitly accounted for when modeling the latter. The banking literature has largely accounted for risk by using ex-post realizations of banks' uncertain outputs and the variables intended to capture risk. This...
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The main purpose of the paper is to analyze different channels for innovations. We consider the influence of various incentives for innovation in Russian companies taking into account the organization of industries — vertical or horizontal orientation, peculiarities of corporate demography,...
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In a world of heterogeneous capital the aggregate capital-capacity ratio can change in a complicated way as the real wage rate changes and, therefore, nothing useful can be said, a priori, about the relationships between the real wage rate (or the aggregate profit share), the degree of capacity...
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Typically, firms change their size through a row of discrete leaps over time. A very basic model allowing for discontinuous growth can be based on a couple of assumptions: (a) in the short run, the firm’s equipment and organization provide the maximum profit only for a given production level,...
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Typically, firms change their size through a row of discrete leaps over time. Sunk costs, regulatory, financial and organizational constraints, talent distribution and other factors may explain this fact. However, firms tend to grow or fall discontinuously even if those inertial factors were...
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This paper studies the relationship between demand uncertainty—the key source of excess capacity—and capacity utilization in the U.S. airline industry. We present a simple theoretical model that predicts that lower demand realizations are associated with higher demand volatility. This...
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Structural reforms and market liberalization have led to a transformation of the Tanzanian economy since the mid-1980s. Studies on enterprises in the manufacturing sector seem to indicate that entrepreneurs persistently operated with low capacity utilization in the 1990s. In a liberalized market...
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We present a dynamic model of capacity utilization and growth which takes into due account the joint determination of the international competitiveness (measured by the real exchange rate) and functional income distribution. It follows that how distribution, capacity utilization and growth vary...
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In most manufacturing industries output is adjusted in a lumpy way along three margins: shiftwork, weekend work, and closing a plant temporarily down. We incorporate such decisions into a dynamic general equilibrium model and study: (i) if such micro-level nonconvexities magnify business cycles;...
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