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We explore bifurcation phenomena in the open-economy New Keynesian model developed by Clarida, Gali and Gertler (2002). We find that the open economy framework can bring about more complex dynamics, along with a wider variety of qualitative behaviors and policy responses. Introducing parameters...
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We explore bifurcation phenomena in the open-economy New Keynesian model developed by Gali and Monacelli (2005). We find that the open economy framework brings about more complex dynamics, along with a wider variety of qualitative behaviors and policy responses. Introducing parameters related to...
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This paper estimates the structural model of Linde et al. (2008) using data for Macedonia and Slovakia. A comparison of the estimated model parameters suggest that, in Slovakia, the output gap is less sensitive to real interest rate movements and prices experience greater inertia. The estimated...
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Developing the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNDD) is the result of the obligation assumed by Romania, as a member of the European Union, in accordance with the objectives agreed at EU and methodological prescriptions of the European Commission. Defining element of this policy...
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This is the first paper in the literature to match key business cycle moments and long-run equity returns in a small open economy with production. These results are achieved by introducing three modications to a standard real business cycle model: (1) borrowing and lending costs are imposed to...
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This paper focuses on the impact of full capital account liberalization on macroeconomic volatility in Greece. According to the standard neoclassical model, such liberalization is to be desired because, among other advantages, it may reduce macroeconomic volatility. The link between...
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In this paper we attempt to reproduce both the business cycle facts and the equity premium of the Israeli economy—an economy which is "typical" in the sense that investment is much more volatile than output (and consumption). We show that GHH preferences, which are quite common in RBC models...
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Global supply chains reshaped international trade since the end 1980s and their role in the trade collapse that followed the financial crisis of September 2008 was determinant. Because production is now internationally diversified, adverse external shocks affect firms not only through final...
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We analyze relations between several types of interest rate control rules and equilibrium determinacy using a two-country model featuring preference and production parameters that may differ between countries, in which two kinds of goods are tradable. Such heterogeneity may violate the Taylor...
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In this paper, we study the effectiveness of fiscal policies in a framework of a small open economy where the behaviour of representative consumer is characterised by endogenous time preference which depends on wealth and consumption.
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