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The main purpose of this paper is to outline that the definable Debreu map is a local definable diffeomorphism. It implies the equilibrium is locally determined in each connected component partitioning a regular O-minimal equilibrium manifold. It complements the result in Theorem 5 of Arias-R....
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This article summarizes some propositions regarding economic dynamics and implications of two-way altruism, on the basis of the human-capital-based OLG model of Ehrlich and Lui (1991) and Ehrlich and Kim (2007) with application of a modified, fertility-endogenized definition of linearly...
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This non-technical summary presents the findings and recommendations from the project called ‘Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change’. The objectives of the project are to examine the adaptive capacity of existing...
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The International Energy Association has observed that nearly all countries now offer or are planning feed-in tariffs (FiTs) for solar PV but debate has shifted from ‘if or how to implement a FiT’ to ‘how to move to a self-sustaining market post FiT’. The aim of this paper is to explain...
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This paper studies an economy inhabited by overlapping generations of homeowners and investors, with the only difference between the two being that homeowners derive utility from housing services whereas investors do not. Tight collateral constraint limits the borrowing capacity of homeowners...
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We exploit the introduction of free banking laws in US states during the 1837-1863 period to examine the impact of removing barriers to bank entry on bank competition and economic growth. As governments were not concerned about systemic stability in this period, we are able to isolate the...
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This paper investigates methods of assessing dynamic efficiency, points out their shortcomings and develops a new criterion of determining whether or not an economy accumulates too much capital. This criterion is then applied to the OECD countries as well as China. The analysis sheds a new light...
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Abstract: Risks faced in African agriculture and industry reduces the dynamic rate of return in these industries. Supply and demand constraints like scarcity of human capital and low effective demand further reduce the scope of industrialization. Institutions have to be developed to share the...
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